My first Absynth sound, it's only 2 patches, I'll probably expand though and add a. Some of these have interesting "hybrid" secondary sounds when you exchange some section between different sounds. This is a small evocative grouping of sounds. Podczas uruchamiania aplikacja próbuje pobrać strumień audio, w AV należy zezwolic na tą operacje.Detuned Guitar made with a thumb plucked guitar sample of an acoustic Yamaha Guitar. po instalacji wykonaj restart komputera wystarczy zainstalować (wersja aktywowana - RePack Team V.R)

Supported interfaces: Stand-alone, VST, AAX
#Native instruments absynth 5 v5.3.0 pro#
Pro Sound individually assigned macro controls for quick changing of several sound settings with a single knob Live-input for each channel and new audio modulator section for using ABSYNTH as a fully functional effects unit Sophisticated surround sound panning to animate three-dimensional sounds or even individual sound components Flexible 68-stage envelopes with presets, envelope-step mode and Tempo sync KoreSound Browser ™ for intuitive finding and organizing of the 1,800 sounds and effects settings New Sound Mutator for creating fresh sounds through the mutation of the qualities of several ABSYNTH sounds Powerful filters and effects section with new tools such as special Aetherizer, Cloud Filter and Supercomb Innovative and unique sound generation from multiple synthesis and sampling methods Forward-looking semi-modular synthesizer with unique sonic characteristics From softly undulating pads to aggressive rhythmic synth attacks - everything is possible with ABSYNTH 5. In addition, a uniquely flexible envelope control with 68-stage envelopes allows for sounds to be subtly or radically animated. The hybrid architecture features three oscillator channels and a semi-modular signal flow combined with diverse sound generating methods such as subtractive synthesis, FM, wave-table, granular sampling, and sampling with wave-morphing, filters, modulators and effects. ABSYNTH 5 also contains new and unusual effects and filters such as the Aetherizer, Cloud Filter and Supercomb, as well as 250 new presets that explore previously uncharted regions of sound.įull of endlessly expressive sounds, ABSYNTH 5 hosts a collection of 2,100 sounds ranging from classic keyboard sounds to complex grooves, abstract soundscapes and endlessly transforming sonic landscapes.ĪBSYNTH 5 is unrivalled as a tool for creating unique sounds. With the innovative Sound Mutator it's now possible to create completely new sounds by combining the characteristics of other sounds, generated without delving into the depths of the synthesis architecture. Version 5 sees ABSYNTH make creative sound design simpler than ever before. ABSYNTH 5 also contains new and unusual effects and filters such as the Aetherizer, Cloud Filter and Supercomb, as well as 250 new presets that explore previously uncharted regions of sound.

What's more ABSYNTH 5 is not just a synthesizer, but a powerful effect plug-in for treating audio tracks using the unique ABSYNTH 5 effects bank. Its speciality is a limitless spectrum of unusual, evolving sounds created using the powerful, hybrid synthesis architecture and sophisticated modulation and effect system - resulting in sounds far removed from the everyday. Co więcej, ABSYNTH to nie tylko syntezator, ale potężna wtyczka efektów do obróbki ścieżek audio za pomocą unikalnego banku efektów ABSYNTH.ĪBSYNTH 5 is an exceptional synthesizer with unique sonic potential. Jego specjalnością jest nieograniczone spektrum niezwykłych, ewoluujących dźwięków, stworzonych przy użyciu potężnej, hybrydowej architektury syntezy oraz wyrafinowanego systemu modulacji i efektów - dających dźwięki dalekie od codzienności. Od delikatnie falujących padów po agresywne rytmiczne ataki syntezatorów. Ponadto wyjątkowo elastyczna kontrola obwiedni z 68-stopniowymi obwiedniami umożliwia subtelną lub radykalną animację dźwięków. Architektura hybrydowa obejmuje trzy kanały oscylatorów i półmodułowy przepływ sygnału w połączeniu z różnymi metodami generowania dźwięku, takimi jak synteza subtraktywna, FM, tablica falowa, próbkowanie granularne i próbkowanie z morfingiem fal, filtrami, modulatorami i efektami. ABSYNTH to wyjątkowy syntezator z unikalnym potencjałem dźwiękowym i ponad 2100 wstępnie ustawionymi dźwiękami.ĪBSYNTH jest bezkonkurencyjnym narzędziem do tworzenia niepowtarzalnych dźwięków.